Thursday, March 19, 2009

Start Here

Ok, so I figured I should explain the point of this thing.

It's simple: there is a plethora of information out there, on the internet, in libraries (um, for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a place where you can rent books. Books have real paper and ink and a smell. Books are good. They are our friends. Many times, you are better off with actually reading a book than spending your life rotting your eyeballs out on the internet.) Where was I?

Oh, information. There is a plethora of information out there about "Wycca," Wycchecraft (witchcraft, you dillweeds!), Magick, etc etc etc. Most of it is, and many of you will not like this but tough, you've got a backspace button, is CRAP!

Why do I say that?

Glad you asked.

I say this because it's true. The vast majority of folks out there claiming to have knowlege about this got that knowlege from other people, usually MEN, who got the knowlege from more other people, usually MEN, who MADE IT ALL UP based upon CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES. Yep, that's right, I put it out there. Most of those folks are, plain and simple, FRAUDS! They "created' their identies and made up their skill levels. They were not born with it. They were dissatisfied with their lives, their religions, everything so, like the Emperor Constantine, they went searching for something else. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS. I can't emphasise that enough. What is wrong with it is that the vast majority of people who have published web pages and books on the topics involving Wycchecraft based their systems off the Judeo-Christian mythology and ceremonies. The OLD RELIGION is a far older system and it is NOT as similar to Judeo-Christianity as many want to believe. It is nature based as it related to the specific climate and geography of the specific people of a specific location.

This site will explore these and other topics. We will have discussions and debates. I will introduce you to other teachers besides me. You will have a chance to ask real questions of real people who were BORN WYCCHES and not made up/adopted into it later in life. We will share our personal experiences and how we managed to live life in the broom closet without comprimising our fundemental nature (it is possible).

I wanted to create this site for several reasons. The first is to fill a void in the SE Wisconsin area that will soon be created by one woman who is leaving us to relocate to another state after opening some big doors for us. Her departure has left some of us with a mixture of emotions that will take time to sort out. Rather than allowing us to crawl back into our broom closets, I chose to attempt an online blog for dicussion and continued education on the subject. I have had a few people ask me if I teach what I know anywhere. Up to now, I have not. No students have yet to be ready for me as their teacher. I presume this is because I am not a "nice and gentle" teacher. I will tell you as I see it and I will do so with respect and blatant honesty. I expect the same from you. The other teachers I will be introducing on this blog share my feelings on this subject.

The next reason for creating this, is purely experimental, to see if it will go anywhere, if so, where, and what will it do to contribute to the improvement of our community.

The third reason was to myth bust the garbage that is out there.

And speaking of myths, the fourth is to give us something BESIDES the Celtic aspects of the old religion to read about and look at. I am personally appalled that so many people today are graduating high school or college without any knowlege of who Thor, Loki, Zeus or Artimas are (to name a few). What are we teaching in schools today? We aren't teaching reading or basic sceince or math and now we aren't teaching art, history, literature or theater. What are kids learning today?

Furthermore, when we open a book on the Craft, we always find CELTIC DEITIES, CELTIC TRADITIONS. I have news for you, there is more than one pantheon and more than one culture that compliments wycchecraft. I suppose I shouldn't be too upset about it because about 10-20 years ago, it was all EGYPTIAN THIS AND THAT. I guess, like anything else, it all comes in cycles. And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong about the Celtic system, other than I have, to date, only picked up one of those books to get any actual knowlege of the Celtic gods/goddesses and mythos. How can you worship, or work magick through a group of deities if you haven't really "met" them? We will explore and compare a multitude of deities on this blog. While my primary pantheon is the pan-hellenic group, you will see how it is just easier to start in Greece and work your way out and you will see how many of the cultures and their religions are connected. The best part is one of the teachers of this site is as skilled in Celtic dieties as I am Greek, so you'll get a nice comparison when we're done.

The final reason why I wanted to start this blog was to heavily communicate the pagan image in society today. In fact, the very first topic we will discuss will be our image. We will never be able to take our power regarding freedom of religion in America and fight the Right Wing, Christian Fundementalist scourge if we do not look and act educated and presentable, professional and ethical. So if you're reading this with a face full of piercings and a body full of tatoos while eating chips and cookies and diet coke (no, the 'diet' coke does not counteract the fat of the other foods) and you are wearing lots of BLACK, goth stuff, you will very likely not like what I have to say: wycchecraft, being a "pagan" is NOT A FASHION STATEMENT! It is a way of life.

-More Later